Online Interview Bookings


St Catherine's has an easy to use Online Interview Booking system, available 24/7, allowing families to securely book interview appointments.

Parent Teacher Online (PTO)​ is available for booking interviews/appointments for:
  • Enrolment Interviews for new or existing families
  • Parent/Teacher Interviews
  • Prep Interviews
  • Uniform Fittings 
Once advised of the interview dates, you will be invited to book appointment times via the St Catherine's link to the PTO website received via email.  Full instructions will be provided to you in the email.

 Please note the following points:
  • When you log on, the system displays only your own child/children. 
  • You will only see time slots that are available at the time you are using the system.
  • When you have made a booking, you can download or email a report of your booking for printing. You can log in and change bookings any time.
  • Other parents may be making bookings at the same time that ​​you are using the system. It is possible, though unlikely, that a time slot is displayed to you as available but is then booked by another parent shortly afterwards. If you then attempt to book this time slot, it will not be available and a message will be displayed to indicate this.
  • If you encounter any problems using PTO please contact the school office by phone on 3349 7188, or by email​.​