Participation Policy for School Families

​​​​ Image of mosaic Nano Nagle icon from the front of the schoolAs a Catholic faith community, St Catherine's values and encourages ​family participation. In doing so the positive link between participation, pastoral care and improved learning outcomes for students is acknowledged. The contribution of school staff and the wider parish community to the life of the school is also acknowledged and valued.

Guided by the St Catherine’s School Covenant, our community aspires to:

  • nurture and promote quality relationships between all members of our community
  • provide opportunities for the individual potential of students to be realized
  • live gospel values such as compassion, justice and service.

Through the enrolment of their children at St Catherine’s School, parents and carers undertake to help achieve this vision by their active participation in the life of the community.​


This policy informs our family of the nature and benefits of participation within our school.  It also provides a context for the purpose of that participation and the principles that guide our interaction.

  • As a non-government school, St Catherine’s relies heavily on the generosity and talents of our families to support the operations of the school and the ongoing development of school facilities.

Because families have varying financial resources, the  community provides resources, opportunities and support from which all students can benefit.

  • Participation supports families in the education of their children by involving parents and carers in the learning environment.  Simultaneously, the community is enriched by this participation.


To facilitate the effective participation of families, St Catherine’s School community will:

  1. provide a range of opportunities that respond to the diverse talents, needs and availability of the community.
  2. inform families of the range of opportunities for participation.
  3. challenge individuals to accept shared responsibility in achieving the vision of the school in the spirit of collaboration, justice and service.
  4. expect that families will take the initiative to offer their talents and services to benefit the wider school community.
  5. value participation, acknowledge contribution and celebrate achievement.
  6. adopt adequate management practices to ensure that legislative requirements are adhered to such as:​
    • workplace health and safety
    • student protection
    • privacy
    • financial accountability
    • constitutions and by-laws
Opportunities for ​Participation

Family participation and involvement is encouraged in a broad range of school and faith activities. These include:

  • ​classroom and excursion activities
  • intra and inter-school sporting activities and competitions
  • learning support activities
  • tuckshop roster
  • working bees
  • Parents and Friends, School Board and other representative committees
  • Fundraising and social activities
  • Sacramental program for Reconciliation,  First Eucharist and Confirmation and other Parish events and activities
  • School Liturgies
  • Outreach activities (i.e. fundraising or services for charities)
  • Pastoral assistance (i.e. practical support to families in need).

School management, staff and community groups will provide information about opportunities to participate on a regular and ongoing basis. A range of communication methods will be used to facilitate effective communication with our school community.

Developed by: St Catherine's School Board
Adopted: ​December 2005

© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Catherine's Catholic Primary School (2015)​