The process of enrolment is to be guided by the St Catherine’s School Covenant and the vision and values that it contains.
Guided by the gospel of Jesus Christ, St Catherine’s School furthers the mission of the Church and continues to reach out to those who are poor and marginalised. St Catherine’s is committed to providing a holistic education which is responsive to each student’s diverse and unique spiritual, social, emotional, intellectual and developmental needs and circumstances.
As a Catholic school, St Catherine’s gives priority in enrolment to students who are baptised Catholics. Students from other faith traditions whose families demonstrate that they share the expressed values of St Catherine’s and who are willing to support and contribute to our school’s vision and mission are also eligible for enrolment.
At the time of enrolment, the school enters into a partnership with students and parents. For its part, the school seeks to support and encourage students to reach their Potential as successful learners, confident and creative individuals and active and informed citizens who will be filled with the Power of Hope to contribute positively to our faith community to create change for a better world.
The St Catherine’s School Community recognises the role of parents/carers as the primary educators of their children. We share with parents/carers the responsibility to nurture the development of each student and to provide an authentic experience of a Living Faith Catholic community. In partnership with the Upper Mount Gravatt Wishart Catholic Parish, the school is committed to providing high quality, inclusive schooling as a visible expression of the local Church in action.
Contemporary issues that impact upon enrolment at St Catherine’s include:
- enrolment demands within the local area
- strategic direction relating to facilities and staffing
- changing Church affiliation patterns by families
- disability and anti-discrimination legislation
- access for those who are poor and marginalised
- responses to government education initiatives
- provision of religious education and faith development opportunities for all students
- the challenge of an ecumenical and multi-faith society
- to provide a framework for just, equitable and consistent decision making for those seeking enrolment in St Catherine’s Catholic Primary School
- to ensure the school enrolment policy complies with Brisbane Catholic Education
- to ensure that the school enrolment policy complies with Brisbane Catholic Education EASP (Enrolment Application Support Process)
- A child is eligible to commence the Prep year provided the child is five years of age by 30 June of the year enrolled in Prep.
- Interviews for Prep are conducted by the Leadership Team in Term 2.
- An Offer of Enrolment is mailed / emailed before the end of Term 2 for those gaining an initial placement at St Catherine’s.
- Prep Orientation is conducted for the following year’s Prep pupils during Term 4.
- Other year enrolments take place across the year as well as an intake at the beginning of each new school year.
The following documentation is required at time of application:
- evidence of the date of birth
- evidence of Baptism (if applicable)
- copy of latest School Report (if applicable)
- copy of any court order verifying legal custody and/or access
The BCE Public Website provides information which may be useful in assisting parents with questions about supplying court orders and/or specific instructions regarding contact arrangements - FAQs Family Law and Student Caring Arrangements.
Enrolment at the school is subject to an interview with a member of the School Leadership Team and the availability of vacancies at the school.
Decisions regarding enrolment take into account the number of vacancies, the needs of students, enrolment applications at other local Catholic schools and any exceptional circumstances.
Early or delayed entry to Prep are options which may be considered in specific circumstances and where it is in a child's best educational interests.
Parents may defer the start date until the following year after accepting an enrolment if there are circumstances affecting their child’s start date. This deferral must be discussed and approved with the school Principal. Parents are asked to commit to the enrolment by paying the Confirmation of Enrolment fee and not pursuing further enrolment options at other schools.
Children who are younger than the prescribed age for Prep may be enrolled in Prep if they turn 5 years by 31 July in the year of proposed attendance and the Principal is satisfied the child is ready for education in Prep.
Consideration of enrolment will go to applicants in the following order of priority:
- The child has a sibling enrolled at St Catherine’s or is a child of a staff member.
- The child is a baptised Catholic whose family resides in Upper Mt Gravatt / Wishart Parish.
- The child is a baptised Catholic whose family resides in a neighbouring Parish.
- The child is of a faith tradition and whose family is accepting of the traditions of a Christian faith community and willing to support and contribute to the school’s Vision and Mission.
- It may be necessary to use the date of application to assess applications of equal merit.
- The Principal may exercise discretion regarding applications where pastoral considerations apply and therefore, may determine a child’s eligibility beyond the stated criteria.
Enrolment Fee
A non-refundable Confirmation of Enrolment fee is payable on receipt of a placement ($300 for new families only). This payment will be credited towards Term 1 school fees. This payment secures the enrolment position and confirms a parent’s intention for their child to attend St Catherine’s.
Please note that the fee is non-refundable if parents decide to withdraw their application for any reason after they have accepted a placement at St Catherine's. Fees are set annually.
Special Provisions
The enrolment of students who may require special provisions for their educational placement will be considered in accordance with Brisbane Catholic Education’s Enrolment Application and Support Procedures for students Requiring Significant Educational Adjustments (EASP). The enrolment application support process aims to reveal and clarify the needs of the student and to identify the educational adjustments and transition required for accessing learning and the school’s capacity to provide this support.
Final Decision
The final decision regarding offers of enrolment is at the discretion of the Principal.
Roles and Responsibilities
St Catherine’s School will:
- ensure that there is a clear and approved enrolment policy and that the policy is adhered to.
- establish and coordinate enrolment interviews and associated protocols.
- promote the School Covenant to all prospective families.
- ensure that the enrolment process maintains the Catholic identity of the school community.
- link pastorally and strategically with the Upper Mt Gravatt Wishart Parish.
- provide an information pack to parents to support them in making an informed decision.
- take prospective parents and children on a walk/tour of the school to see facilities and classrooms.
- ensure the EASP for students with a disability is conducted according to BCE Guidelines by considering a student’s ability to access, participate, and achieve authentic outcomes.
- work with parents to ensure optimal conditions are identified in order to assist students’ access to curriculum programs.
- consider and explore an understanding of the needs of all students in the class along with those being enrolled.
- provide information about students’ progress through both formal and informal methods.
- provide a safe and supportive environment for students to engage in learning.
- encourage open and honest dialogue between home and school to ensure students have the most favourable circumstances to fully participate in school life.
- clearly communicate the purpose, benefits and expectations for avenues of communication in the school to enhance participation in school community life – Newsletter, BCE Connect App, Facebook.
- consider teacher experience and training (professional development) to meet the needs of students.
- consider physical size of classrooms and the ability to house the number of students and teachers/school officers required.
- review enrolment policies and procedures in accordance with Brisbane Catholic Education policies.
Parent/Caregivers will:
- provide all necessary documents to support a child’s enrolment e.g. Birth Certificate, Baptismal Certificate, Visa, Passport.
- complete all forms (Enrolment and Confirmation of Enrolment forms) truthfully, disclosing any information that may be pertinent to the enrolment process.
- attend an initial interview followed by an Orientation Day (Prep enrolment only) to ensure that the school has every opportunity to know and understand the child’s needs.
- by signing a Confirmation of Enrolment form indicate their intention to commit to all school policies and procedures.
- support the ethos, mission and values of the school.
- support their children to participate in all areas of the curriculum, including the Religious Life of the School, liturgical celebrations and the Religious Curriculum as outlined by Brisbane Catholic Education.
- support their children to participate in other curriculum activities including excursions and camps.
- support the expectations of the school and work in partnership with staff to achieve the best educational outcome for their children.
- meet their financial obligations as determined by the school.
Students will:
- participate in the enrolment process to allow the school to get to know them and for them to get to know the school.
- share their likes / interests and their fears / challenges.
- take home a picture or piece of writing from the interview to share with their family.
- follow the school expectations e.g. School Rules, Uniform Policy
- follow school procedures established for the safety and wellbeing of themselves and others.
- commit to working to the best of their ability so that they may reach their full potential.
Related Policies and Procedures
School Fee Policy
Uniform Policy
Behaviour Support Plan
© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Catherine's Catholic Primary School (2023)