Every Contractor must follow the information below before attending the School.
This guide is designed to give contractors information on Brisbane Catholic Education's (BCE) Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) Contractor Management System and provide specific requirements when working at a BCE School.
The key purpose of this guide is to advise of:
- work health & safety obligations - WHS Act 2011 & WHS Regulation 2011
- hazards and their associated controls relevant to schools and BCEO, and
- any relevant operational issues in the management of contractors.
1. Contractor Induction Manual.pdf
2. Contractor Site Specific Requirements St Catherine's Primary School.pdf
3. Contractor Classification Checklist.pdf
4. Contractors Induction Register.docx
If Major Contract:
5. Contractor Safety Plan Form.docx
- Current License
- Current Public Liability Insurance Certificate
- Current WorkCover Insurance Certificate
- Signed Contractor Induction Register
If Major contract
5. Completed Contractor Safety Plan.
6. Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS)
(According to s299 WHS Regulation 2011, a Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) is required for high risk construction work. s291 WHS Regulation 2011, shows what is defined as high risk construction work. s303 requires the contractor to keep a SWMS until the high risk construction work is completed.)