There are currently a number of programs being run on the school premises by outside organisations after school. If parents are interested in their children participating in any of the programs listed below, please contact the relevant organisation to enrol or for more information about the varying start and finish dates each term.
Ritmix Gymnastics Club Mondays - 3:30pm to 5:30pm, in the Nano Nagle Centre
Fridays - 3:30pm to 4:30pm, in the Nano Nagle Centre
Saturdays - 10am to 12noon, in the Nano Nagle Centre
For enquiries: info@ritmixgym.com.au www.ritmixgym.com.au
| Gardiner Chess Club Tuesdays - 3:10pm to 4:10pm, in the Nano Nagle Music Room (Temporary location while the Library is undergoing renovations)
For enquiries: 07 5522 7221 info@gardinerchess.com.au www.gardinerchess.com.au
Let's Talk Kids -Speech and Drama Tuition Wednesdays - All year levels - 3pm to 4pm, in the Parish Hall
For enquiries: 3821 5755 www.ltkspeechanddrama.com.au
© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Catherine's Catholic Primary School (2023)