After School Activities at St Catherine's

Nano Nagle quote created in mosaic tiles at St Catherine's, Wishart - "Today is a great day to learn something new"

There are currently a number of programs being run on the school premises by outside organisations after school. If parents are interested in their children participating in any of the programs listed bel​ow, please contact the relevant organisation to enrol or for more information about the varying start and finish dates each term.

Ritmix Gymnastics Club

Mondays - 3:30pm to 5:30pm, in the Nano Nagle Centre

Fridays - 3:30pm to 4:30pm, in the Nano Nagle Centre

Saturdays - 10am to 12noon, in the Nano Nagle Centre

For enquiries:

​Gardiner Chess Club

Tuesdays - 3:10pm to 4:10pm, in the Nano Nagle Music Room (Temporary location while the Library is undergoing renovations)


For enquiries: 07 5522 7221

​Let's Talk Kids -

Speech and Drama Tuition

Wednesdays - All year levels - 3pm to 4pm, in the Parish Hall

 For enquiries: 3821 5755

© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Catherine's Catholic Primary School (2023​)