The school entrance is located on Newnham Road near the crest of the hill. The exit is at the base of the hill. There are strict traffic flow arrangements in place in specific time periods in and around St Catherine's which must be adhered to for the safety of our students.
Children are supervised in the school grounds from 8:20am each day.
There are three Drop & Go (Passenger Loading) Zones at St Catherine's:
Bellot Street Loading Zone
Church Loading Zone (Church Car Park)
B Block Loading Zone (Staff Car Park)
All children being picked up in a vehicle will be escorted to these areas and ushered to cars from these locations.
A teacher will be on duty in these locations until 3:20pm.
Parents are permitted to collect their children from the courtyard area if they walk to school or have parked and walked into school.
There is limited parking available in and around St Catherine's.
Please read this link and map providing the Notes and Rules for Parking at St Catherine's
The Bus Stop directly in front St Catherine's is a District Route Bus Stop. Children are supervised at this Bus Stop in the afternoon until their bus has arrived.
Students, parents and carers are asked to cross roads at designated crossing points.
Please read this link and map providing the Notes and Rules for Active and Public Transport complete with Translink options
There are detailed traffic flow arrangements in place to follow at specific times when visiting St Catherine's.
Please click on this link for a detailed view of these arrangements.
Students With Disability Travel Rebate Scheme - within BCC boundary
Parents are encouraged to view the link at to see if you are eligible for rebates via the Students with Disability Travel Rebate Scheme. Student travel rebate applications are only open in May for Semester 1 and October for Semester 2.
© Brisbane Catholic Education St Catherine’s Catholic Primary School (2020)

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.