Thank you for considering St Catherine's Catholic School for your child's primary education.
Applications are taken for Prep Enrolments up to two years prior to the year your child is due to commence school. Interviews are conducted in April of the year prior to commencing Prep. Placement offers are issued in late May.
Applications for other year levels are taken at any time during the school year.
Your application will be processed when we have received the completed Application for Enrolment form and the requested documentation listed below.
Application - Online (preferred)
You may apply for enrolment through our Online Enrolment Application by clicking on this link -
- St Catherine's Online Enrolment Application
Application - Print Version
If you would prefer to complete a paper copy of the Application for Enrolment form, please print, complete and return the form below:
Application for Enrolment Form
Application for Enrolment NOTES BOOKLET**
**(NOTES BOOKLET to be used in conjunction with the Application for Enrolment Form)
Download Enrolment Information
Enrolment Process
Submit Application for Enrolment - Online or Print Version
Provide documentation:
- Birth Certificate
- Baptismal Certificate (if baptised)
- Most recent academic report (as applicable)
- NAPLAN Testing Results (as applicable)
- Any Medical or Learning Reports
- If noted in your application: Australian Citizenship Documentation, Current Passport, Current Visa, Legal Documentation, Medical Action Plan and Student Specialist Assessments.
Enrolment Interview
Bring the original documentation listed above for sighting by the Principal/Assistant Principal.
Offer of a Place
If we are able to offer you a place, we will send you a Confirmation of Enrolment Pack which includes a request for payment of the Confirmation of Enrolment Fee ($300 for new families only).
This payment will be credited towards your first term's school fees.
The return of the completed forms and the Enrolment Fee will secure your child's place at the school and confirms a parent's intention for their child to attend St Catherine's.
Please note that the fee is non-refundable if you decide to withdraw your application for any reason after you have accepted a placement at St Catherine's.
Follow this link for our
Prep Enrolment Timeline
Please look at our School Video...
Welcome to St Catherine's
© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Catherine's Catholic Primary School (2021)